Grandma what if we were all water and swam with the dolphins and whales?
Grandma what if we were robots, Grandma how do you make robots?
Grandma what if we were in Heaven?
Grandma what if..........
Warren spent our car rides today pondering the "what if's" of the world. I am constantly amazed at how their little minds work!!!
Today Deb finished a phone call and Warren could tell she was upset so he gave her his 5 year old advice: "Debbie, you can take a deep breath and count to 10 that will help you feel better". Warren then proceeded to tell Deb that she didn't have to close her eyes and began counting outloud with her. Afterwards he asked her "Debbie don't you feel better?" After we smiled at each other "Debbie" declared that she felt "much better"
I absolutely love these kids!!!!
What if being a Grandma was the best thing in the whole world!!!!!
Warren is lucky to have you as a grandma...What if Dana got a blog so I could see pictures of those cute boys!
Hey you, I am spying on you! Love the what if's take a look at my wise ol lil guy. My 4 year old says the funniest, strangest wackiest things ever. One of my Robby post was titled insights from car rides, I think. Anyway, I hope you don't mind my peek into your cute little ones. I love the robots - that is so 5 year old boy! Robby goes around talking in robot voice too the point we tell him to stop!
Oh - my other funny one that is on FB I think is Robby, Jesus and Boy Girls.
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