Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday "Bootsey"

Today is #5's birthday and Anne is on her way down to Las Vegas to surprise Betsey with gifts from 1,2,3,4 and 6. Betsey is the only sib that lives outside of Utah, just close enough to be far away. Over the years whenever Betsey came to town, life stopped and we played.

The best Betsey visit ever happened the year Dad died. We all were trying to find our Christmas bearings, who would read the Christmas story and help mom light the candles? I had spent a lot of effort trying to talk Betsey into coming home for Christmas to no avail. Betsey and Richard had spent a lot of time before and after the furneral in Provo, they had young kids and traveling around the holidays is not a summer picnic.

On Christmas Eve that year, round dinner time, carolers came to our door and Anne refused to answer the door (she was in on the whole thing). So I went to the door and "what to my wondering eyes did appear......" Yup it was Betsey, Richard et. al. I believe there was screaming, I know there was crying and pure joy at the sight of the whole family standing in front of us!!!

That was the best Betsey visit ever!!!!

In her honor feel free to sing along!!!!

Happy Happy Birthday Betsey dear
Happy days will come to you all year
If I had one wish then it would be
a Happy Happy Birthday to you from me!!!!!



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