Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I am a Liar

Ok........here I go confession time!

I bought a leather jacket last September, I keep hoping that I will find the "one" that I keep forever.

When I was a kid I would get my new school clothes, hang them in my closet, look at them each day until it was time to wear them. Problem was I didn't want them to get old so I would open the closet doors look at them, shut the doors and decide to wear them tomorrow. It didn't take long I would finally put them on, wear them, and thennnnn............they ended up old, and on my bedroom floor.

And so I come to the present, for 3 or 4 years running I have purchased a leather jacket, thinking I had found the "ONE"! That this year I would not only buy the long sought after jacket, but, I would actually find the right occasion to wear the jacket. Well this was not to be the year, I found the jacket tucked away in my closet awaiting its premier while changing out my winter clothes for my summer clothes (moving my black uniform of winter to the back of the closet for my black uniform of spring).

This is were my confession comes in, I bought the jacket at Nordstrom, as I was walking into the store to return the jacket I found myself coming up with just the right statement as to why I was returning the jacket at the end of the season.

"I bought this for a friend and it didn't fit" (sorry I don't pay this much for birthday's)

"I bought this for my mother and she didn't like it" (you must really love your mother)

"I just wasn't happy with the way it fit" (why take so long to return it dummy)

As I was walking toward the store I thought "why in the world can't you just tell the truth?" Well of course you can, "I found this jacket in my closet, didn't wear it, and so I am returning it" this was what I was going to say when she asked.

So as I approached the desk and took out the jacket and placed it on the desk, it just came out I couldn't help it....."I bought this for my mother and it didn't fit, its such a beautiful jacket....blah blah blah........" AGH!!!! (again with the details) What is it about me that I have to explain every breath to every stranger......that is an questions for another post......or maybe not!

Well the jacket is safe back where it belongs, where someone who will let it become old will find it and take it home.

1 comment:

Kathryn e. said...

I can't believe you took it back! I was with you when you bought that jacket(it was at Kendall's wedding!). I remember you telling me all about your quest for the perfect leather jacket...and I relly thought you had found it! You even felt guilty for paying so much for it and told me not to tell Deb!
p.s. the lady that returned it for you knows you were lying...people who lie give up way too much information that no one really cares about(i know I have done it before...and I have also been on the other end and just smile cause I know how hard that person has worked to come up with their story!)